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IEL Seeks Youth Action Council on Transition Applications

The 2013 cohort of the IEL-led NCWD/Youth YouthACT Team pose for a photo at orientation.

IEL Seeks Youth Action Council on Transition Applications

The IEL-led National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth is accepting applications for our Youth Action Council on Transtion (YouthACT).

The IEL-led National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) is accepting applications from teams of young people to participate in our Youth Action Council on Transtion (YouthACT).

YouthACT is a national initiative to involve more youth with disabilities and their allies as leaders, partnering with adults and organizations to improve opportunities for youth to succeed in life. “Transition” is the process and period of change that youth go through to become adults. Transition typically occurs between ages 12 and 25. During transition, youth need a variety of opportunities and supports to learn and develop skills and experience, set and achieve goals, and make personal decisions about school, work, and life.

Applicants are eligible if they are between 12 and 25 at the time of applying, have a disability or an ally of the disability community, are part of a team that includes an adult partner from a sponsoring organization, and have parental permission if under 18. Applications are due July 31, 2014.

Learn more.