A Blueprint For Community Inclusion Strategies
For Youth With Developmental Disabilities in Washington, DC
The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) is excited to share the Policy Blueprint on Community Inclusion Strategies for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Washington, DC.
The Blueprint offers insights from young people with intellectual disabilities (I/DD) and their families from the District of Columbia about barriers to civic engagement and recommendations to fully engage people with disabilities throughout the city.
The Blueprint may be used by DC residents to advocate for greater engagement and by DC agencies and officials to take action on policy and practices that support all residents. Beyond the District, other state and local agencies may apply these policy recommendations and action steps to their work with all youth.
We urge policymakers and anyone trusted with decision-making authority to meaningfully engage and center the voices of youth with disabilities and their families in all policy and practice decisions that directly impact them. Read the full Blueprint here.
Some of the key findings from the sessions include:

Read the Full Blueprint based on IEL’s findings here.
Thank you for your continued work to help close these gaps and better serve youth and young adults with disabilities.
Related Resources:
Listen To Us: Youth With Disabilities Speak Up During The Pandemic
We Are the Change Youth Candidate Forum
The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) would like to acknowledge the funding support from the Washington, DC Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) and the leadership of Alison Whyte, Executive Director of the DC Developmental Disabilities Council.