IEL’s SXSWEDU Panel Proposals

IEL has submitted eight panel proposals to SXSW EDU 2018, and we need your votes to help get us to Austin in March!

SXSW stands for South by Southwest®. The SXSW EDU® Conference & Festival fosters innovation in learning by hosting a community of optimistic, forward-thinking, purpose-driven stakeholders with a shared goal of impacting the future of teaching and learning. SXSW EDU is a component of the South by Southwest® family of conferences and festivals.

Voting is live and open to the public from August 7 – 25. Register for your free account today and vote for all of your favorite sessions! The easiest ways to find our session is to search by session title on the SXSW PanelPicker page. You can also search by description, tag, or speaker.

Young girl doing school workAligning Networks So Every Student Thrives (Click here to Vote Up)

Panelists: Colin Groth, Director of Innovation, StriveTogether; Cristina Huezo, Program & Policy Officer, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; Reuben Jacobson, Deputy Director, Coalition for Community Schools, IEL; Steven McCullough, Chief Operating Officer, Communities in Schools

Our public education systems and entire communities must be designed around supporting the success of children. That is the unifying concept that drew our organizations to explore ways to align our networks to support students. Engage in a conversation as we examine the ways national networks and local leaders can align work that is student-centered, based on five principles: trusting relationships, cross-sector partnerships, purposeful engagement, actionable data, and shared accountability.

Tags: Alignment , Student-Centered, Partnerships

Family and Community Engagement 2.0 (Click here to Vote Up)

Panelists: Michele Brooks, Principal Consultant, Transformative Solutions in Education; Miguel Guajardo, Professor, College of Education, Texas State University; Monica Valadez, Community Liaison, San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District

Families play an essential role in student learning. Good engagement is a shared responsibility and a continuous process that occurs wherever children learn. A recent IEL survey of 100 districts uncovered a great deal of progress but also several challenges. Engagement efforts are improving but there is still work to do. During this interactive session participants will explore exemplary engagement practices from multiple vantage points and discuss strategies for improving their local work.

Tags: Equity, Family Engagement, Parent Engagement

Leading Across Boundaries (Click here to Vote Up)

Panelists: S. Kwesi Rollins, Director of Leadership Programs, IEL; Johan E. Uvin, President, IEL; and Lisa Villarreal, CEO Youth Ventures Joint Powers Authority

Leaders of the future must have the ability to work across sectors/boundaries. The first session will establish macro trends that illustrate the need for cross-sector, cross-boundary leadership. Next, a panel discussion will explore the challenges on the ground as well as effective examples such as community schools and family-home visits. The final session is interactive – the audience will engage in ideation about cross-sectoral leadership efforts they are interested in.

Tags: Cross-Sector Partnerships, Community Change, Leadership Development 

Education & Policy: Leading for Change (workshop). Three circles and IEL logoEducation & Policy: Leading for Change (Click here to Vote Up)

Panelists: Bryan BeverlyProgram Coordinator, Office of K-12 Outreach and Michigan Education Policy Fellowship Coordinator, Michigan State University; Dana D’OrazioProgram Manager, Postsecondary Education, National League of Cities; Helen Janc Malone, Director of Education Policy and Institutional Advancement; National Director, Education Policy Fellowship Program, and Secretary to the Board, IEL (moderator)

Identify vehicle to help educators: have their voices heard, to turn practice to policy, and to engage in public service. Learn how to build, strengthen, and scale your network and become a catalyst for change.

Tags: Leadership, Policy, Systems Change

IEL's Joline Collins and Johan E. Uvin discuss linking community schools and community colleges.Linking Community Schools and Community Colleges (Click here to Vote Up)

Panelists: Mark Mitsui, President, Portland Community College; and Johan E. Uvin, President, Institute for Educational Leadership

This panel discussion will discuss innovative practices and supporting policies that link community schools and community colleges to create accelerated, affordable career pathways that span secondary and post-secondary education by design and give students academic credentials, industry credentials, and a job.

Tags: Pathways, Community College, Community Schools 


Mobilizing Local Networks for Educational EquityMobilizing Local Networks for Educational Equity (Click here to Vote Up)

IEL Staff Panelists: Natalie Mayanja, Program Associate, Family & Community Engagement; Sarah McCann, Coordinator, National Education Policy Fellowship Program; Bernice ButlerPartnerships Manager, Coalition for Community Schools

National network conveners share how their networks work and identify attributes of partnerships that lead to impact. Attendees collaborate to strengthen their networks for educational equity.

Tags: Community Engagement, Equity in Education, Partnerships


Right Turn youth participant talks about youth diversion and teen court peer juries.Youth Diversion, Mentoring, & Restorative Justice (Click here to Vote Up)

Panelists: Thaddeus Ferber, Vice President for Policy, Forum for Youth Investment and Director, Opportunity Youth Network and Co-Founder, SparkAction; Francine Francis, Program Coordinator, Right Turn Career-Focused Transition Initiative, IEL; Patricia Gill, Senior Program Associate, IEL; Monntel West, Right Turn Youth Participant, Peckham, Inc.

Panel discussion with Opportunity Youth Network, Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program, and Right Turn staff (and youth!) about the Reconnecting 1 Million Youth Campaign and programs with a proven track record in reconnecting youth. 

Tags: Disconnected Youth, Mentoring, Juvenile Justice

IEL Program Associate Carley Fahey discusses the value of youth leadership and advocacy.Youth Leadership and Advocacy (Click here to Vote Up)

IEL Staff Panelists: Carly Fahey, Program Associate and Jennifer Thomas, Youth Development Specialist

Fishbowl conversation with youth leaders from YouthACT, RAMP, Right Turn, Opportunity Youth United, and Californians for Justice. Youth share their stories and journeys and comment on what meaningful youth engagement and leadership development look like in various contexts such as education, workforce development, civic engagement, etc.

Tags: Youth, Youth Empowerment, Youth Development Principles

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