2017 National FCE Conference Resources



Boot Camp for Family Engagement Staff

Presenter: Sherri Wilson, Director of Consultative Services, FACE, Scholastic

Extending Your Parent Engagement Scope-Working With Community Based Organizations To Extend Parent Outreach

Presenters: Sean Alexander, Supervisor SCUSD Family and Community Empowerment, Tu Moua Carroz, SCUSD Area Asst. Superintendent, Brian Talcott, Program Director, Gabriela Lopez-Valle, Parent Education Manager

Change Agents: Lessons Learned from Pennsylvania’s Community Innovation Zones

Presenter: Samantha Gray, Grant Manager, Office of Child Development and Early Learning, Pennsylvania Department of Education

Students, Families, Schools, Museums and Zoos! Bridging School Communities through Science Learning

Presenters:Tina Glover, Urban Advantage Science Initiative, Manager of Schools, Teachers & Families, Justin Ramsey, Urban Advantage Science Initiative, Family Outreach Coordinator

Engaging Refugee and Immigrant Families in U.S. Schools

Presenters: Josh McManness, Community School Coordinator, Aaron Swinton, Principal, Marie Byler, Assistant Principal, Khem Subedi, Community School Facilitator, Jalilah Yacoub, Cultural Navigator, Georgia Jones, ESL Specialist

Together Including Every Student

 Presenter: Kathy Costello, TIES Program Director, Starbridge


A Not So New Consensus: Parents Matter A Lot! Now What?

Presenters: Dr. Libby Doggett, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Policy and Early Learning, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Dr. Linda Smith, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early Childhood Development for the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

PBS KIDS Family Creative Learning: A Model for Family Engagement

Presenters: Devon Steven, Director, Ready To Learn Community Engagement at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Aaron Morris, Senior Manager of Community Engagement Content at PBS Kids, Alyssa Torrez, Community Engagement Manager at KBTC Public Television, Jon-Paul Bulala, Expanded Learning Program Coordinator, Puget Sound Educational Service District

Real world implementation is messy but meaningful: The Family Engagement Impact Project (FEIP)

Cool Culture: The case for families, schools and communities learning together through art

Creating Stronger Families, Stronger Communities

Doubling the Odds of Early Childhood Success: Engaging Dads

Supporting School Readiness: State Supported Collaborations Between Early Childhood Systems and Schools

Baltimore Learns Every Day! It’s Not Just a Game, It’s a Movement


Engaging Families in Middle and High School through Individual Plans of Study

Engaging Families in High School Success: Using a Continuous Improvement Approach


Every Shut-Eye Ain’t Sleep: Empowering Families as Equal Status Educational Partners


Family Strong

Involving Fathers in Partnership Activities

Parents as Decision-Makers and Policy Leaders: The United Parent Leaders Action Network

Latino Family Leadership in Education

Parents as School, Community, and Policy Leaders: An Orientation to COFI’s Family Focused Organizing Model

Assessing the Powerful Impact of Parent Leadership

Black Family Voice Project

What Happens When  Parents Lead: Civic Engagement & Systems Change


Bridging the Gap: Building Capacity One Home Visit at a Time

Creating Meaningful Workshops For Parents

How Community Schools Engage Families and Communities in Student Learning

School-Integrated Mentoring: Transforming Student Engagement through Relationships


Making Informed Decisions in MTSS through Family Engagement Data

Family, School and Community Engagement— It takes All of Us!

The Early Childhood Family Engagement Framework: Maryland’s Vision for Engaging Families with Young Children

How District Leadership Supports Family and Community Engagement

Going Far by Going Together: Integrating Family and Community Engagement Efforts District-Wide

Family Engagement under ESSA: Moving from Compliance to Partnership by creating meaningful teacher-family collaboration to improve student learning

Doing the Non-Negotiable Work: Building Systemic Consciousness and Capacity for More Effective Family and Community Partnerships

Family Engagement Measures: How States and Districts Are Measuring Family Engagement

Statewide Family Engagement Support for Homeless Families and Students, Migrant Families and Students, and Children in Foster Care

Teacher Leadership and Professional Development

PaTTAN’s Enhancing Family Engagement Series: Facilitating Professional Development through Online Learning

Supporting Teachers to Foster and Nourish Culturally Responsive School-Family Partnerships

Transforming Your Workshops for Educators and Families: Using Adult Learning Principles for Capacity Building

Innovate Your Family-Community Engagement Efforts


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