

Listen to Us: Youth with Disabilities Speak Up During the Pandemic

What do we know? The prevalence of disability among youth (ages 14-24) is 6.1% nationally, but rates vary from 10.1% in Maine to 4.1% in Hawaii (Cheng & Shaewitz, 2019). In every state, youth with disabilities are less likely to graduate high school, enter and complete postsecondary education, or enter employment (ibid). Youth with disabilities […]

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Rise Up for Equity - LA skyline and RUFE birds. IEL and CCS logos.

Rising Up For Equity in the Face of Two Pandemics

Building a New Normal Together: A Virtual Summit on Community Schools and Family Engagement 20 days, 80 sessions, 100 hours, and one giant opportunity for more than 2,000 participants to come together and share their collective knowledge and experience, to inspire each other in these uncertain, challenging times. That’s what our first ever virtual summit

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Young man in wheelchair working on a computer with a headset.

Pandemic Further Erodes Rights of People with Disabilities

The coronavirus pandemic has laid bare the inequalities in our country, and this is especially true for people with disabilities.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2019 that people with disabilities make up nearly 26% of our population—1 in 4 Americans. Opportunity youth with disabilities, defined as young people between the ages

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IEL Page

Rise Up for Equity with IEL in 2019

In tandem with our new strategic plan, IEL recently launched the Rise Up for Equity campaign to support leadership development, workforce development, disability rights, and communities of practice, through both national and community based initiatives across the country. There are numerous opportunities to support IEL in boldly mobilizing leaders for impact – visit our website. 

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Boy with his arms up and a post-it that states Never give up

Rise Up for Equity on #GivingTuesday with IEL

IEL is asking our networks, partners, advocates, and those new to IEL’s work to #RiseUpforEquity on the global day of giving, #GivingTuesday, November 27th. On the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, you’ll have the chance to join people around the world to support IEL initiatives that close access and achievement gaps in education and workforce development through innovation

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IEL and Harvard Graduate School of Education Announce 2018 Meade Fellows

Washington, DC – April 9, 2018 – IEL and the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) announce the 2018 Meade Fellows: Mark Kabban and Lance Huffman. The Meade Fellowship provides an opportunity for HGSE students to travel to Washington, D.C., visit leading education and related organizations, and meet with chief architects of change in education policy.

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Students carrying signs against gun violence

Hands without Guns: A Statement by Johan Uvin Against Gun Violence

Last week I was working on finalizing a contract agreement when, I heard voices and cars honking. I got up, walked to the corner window of my office and I saw a group of young students gathered around the intersection holding up signs and cheering each other on in protest of the lack of significant

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Santos Amaya Guevara speaks at a podium microphone.

Samuel Halperin Youth Public Service Award Winner Announced

The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) and the Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) are pleased to announce that Santos Amaya Guevara has been named this year’s Halperin Youth Award winner. Santos will be recognized for her commitment to public service during the annual Halperin Lecture and Youth Award event on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. She

Samuel Halperin Youth Public Service Award Winner Announced Read More »

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