
April 27-29, 2022 #PartnerAppalachia. Partners for Community College Student Success and Economic Growth in Appalachia, written on chalkboard, with mountains in background and IEL Logo.

Partners for Community College Student Success and Economic Growth in Appalachia

The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) hosted a 3-day virtual convening, Partners for Community College Student Success and Economic Growth in Appalachia, designed to bring together experts and learners from across Appalachia to lift up partnerships that grow enrollment, increase student success, and provide a workforce that promotes economic development and regional prosperity. Participants heard […]

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Community members from multiple generations perform together on stage

Engaging, Empowering, and Inspiring Students and Parents in Appalachia

Guest post by Elaine Weiss, former National Coordinator of the Broader, Bolder Approach to Education For those who do not live in the region, the term “Appalachia” conjures up images of hollowed-out towns, ramshackle houses, and long country roads that don’t lead to much. Recently, the region has also become painfully synonymous with overdoses of

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