Our Impact

We design for impact

Our collaborative approach is focused on building sustainable leadership capacity that outlasts our presence; and bringing multiple IEL resources to bear in targeted geographic communities allows us to deepen our impact.

Improved and more inclusive decision-making processes, systems and practices that ensure that all voices, particularly those of marginalized groups, are elevated and heard.

Increased number of leaders who can create and support policies that lead to more equitable opportunities and access.

Increased development and quality execution of equity-centered policies and practices that improve long-term life chances of people in our partner communities.

Improved access to quality educational and workforce resources for children, youth, and families.

Here's what our partners are saying...

IEL Impact Report

July 2022 – June 2023

Key Performance Indicators

Policy Highlights

Policy By the People Policy Agenda

IEL published its 118th Congress Policy by the People agenda on June 5, 2023. The leaders in their networks directly informed and validated this policy agenda, which governs our federal policy and advocacy for the next two years.

Other Select National-Level Policy Advocacy

IEL through the Coalition for Community Schools has partnered with various efforts to support Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council, education research, DIPLOMA Act, and federal programs that support infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and their families, among others.

National-Level Policy Advocacy for Full-Service Community Schools

The Coalition for Community Schools worked alongside its 200+ national partners to advocate for Full-Service Community Schools Expansion Act in the 118th Congress.

Select State-Level Policy Advocacy

On May 1st, 2023, members of the Community Schools Coalition Team supported the Maine Coalition for Community Schools as they testified in favor of An Act to Promote the Community Schools Program (ME L.D. 1527) before the state legislature.

On May 16th, 2023, IEL staff attended the Spring Convening of the New Jersey Community Schools State Coalition along with other important state partners advancing the strategy


In FY23, IEL published three publications to inform diverse practices:

Knowledge Gained and Applications

About 800 program/project participants gave feedback on their experience and professional development. Almost all (98%) of them gained new knowledge and skills that they can directly apply to their personal and professional development.

Youth gained new awareness, knowledge, and skills regarding leadership, career pathways, local opportunities, and connections to their families, schools, and communities.

Adult participants gained a deep understanding of Community Schools and family engagement, networking opportunities for better local and national collaborations, and tools that they will use to support their strategic planning and decision-making.

IEL Staff & Board are majority BIPOC


IEL staff are BIPOC

3 in 4

IEL staff self-identified as female


IEL board members are African American

Racial/Ethnic Composition of Staff

African American/Black (43%) Hispanic/Latino/Latinx (7%) Multiracial (7%) White (32%) Asian (11%)

Racial/Ethnic Composition of Board

African American/Black (73%) Hispanic/Latino/Latinx (9%) Multiracial (9%) White (9%)

Regional Work Highlights


Relationships were strengthened across the Midwest in FY23. State Coalitions in the Midwest made significant strides in the last year. The Coalition has become close partners and/or supported the co-creation of eight state coalitions and presented at statewide gatherings for all eight.


As the first year of regional work started in FY23, Northeast Region focused its efforts on relationship building. The key achievements include the reestablishment of the Pennsylvania State Coalition for Community Schools and brokered relationships between various Community Schools initiatives.


State Coalition for Community Schools representation went from 3 state Coalitions in the region prior to this fiscal year, to 9 State Coalitions at the close of FY23. Seven new contracts for Transformational Assistance partnership were garnered during the fiscal year. Moreover, strong relationships developed in every state in the region throughout FY23.


The significant achievement of the Southern Region include (1) supporting and strengthening the impact of the Tennessee State Coalition for Community Schools, and initiated monthly meetings with the leadership team; (2) supporting the development of Community School Strategy with Elizabeth City University and East Carolina University, and providing coaching and practice; and (3) established the early development of a state coalition in Florida.

We design for impact:

1) Our collaborative approach is focused on building sustainable leadership capacity that outlasts our presence; and 2) bringing multiple IEL resources to bear in targeted geographic communities allows us to deepen our impact.
3) Improved and more inclusive decision-making processes, systems and practices that ensure that all voices, particularly those of marginalized groups, are elevated and heard.
Increased number of leaders who can create and support policies that lead to more equitable opportunities and access.
4)Increased development and quality execution of equity-centered policies and practices that improve long-term life chances of people in our partner communities.
Improved access to quality educational and workforce resources for children, youth, and families.
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