Search Results for: ada generation

We are the ADA Generation: Perspectives on Coming of Age Under the Americans with Disabilities Act

We are the ADA Generation: Perspectives from Youth with Disabilities

Over 25 years, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has positively impacted the lives of millions of Americans and created a new generation as part of its legacy, the ADA Generation. This generation comprises youth and young adults with disabilities who came of age under the aegis and opportunity of the ADA. The oldest of

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ADA Generation – Peckham, Inc.

ADA Generation Main Page Peckham, Inc. operates IEL’s Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) in Lansing, Michigan. RAMP is a career-focused mentoring program for youth with disabilities. In the Lansing RAMP community session at Peckham Inc., students have been talking about the ADA and its importance. The RAMP Specialist at Peckham shared with the students

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ADA Generation – Makena Schwab

ADA Generation Mainpage Makena Schwab is a high school student who shares her experience on disability, the ADA, and assistive technology in the video below. Makena is a pariticpant in IEL’s Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) through Abilty Connection Colorado. RAMP is a career-focused mentoring program for youth with disabilities.   ADA Generation Mainn Page

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