Leaders for Today and Tomorrow (LT2) is a growing network of non-profits, school districts and schools of education committed to co-creating and reimagining capacity building and professional development systems through an equity lens. LT2 supports the catalytic role of principals, assistant principals, district leaders and youth as community stewards, with an emphasis on transforming schools and communities across the country.

Immigrant & Refugee Youth: Leaders of Tomorrow

Supports and mobilizes cohorts of immigrant and refugee youth, offering them opportunities to expand their knowledge, strengthen their skills, access the tools and resources necessary to engage actively in their communities, and pursue actions that improve their own circumstances and outcomes and those of children, youth, adults, and families in their communities.

Click below to hear from the first cohort of students about their experience in the program!


Project I4: Innovate, Inquire, Iterate and Impact

Igniting the Power of Network Improvement Communities to Enhance Professional Learning for Educational Leaders. Project I4 supports school leaders to exponentially improve student access, engagement and outcomes by ensuring equity-driven classrooms that demonstrate rigorous academic discourse, culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy, universal design for learning, and inquiry teaching and learning.

Expand Your Learning

Listed below are some of the ways in which IEL can support you on your learning journey. To learn additional information or to arrange a consultation, please contact Lynda Tredway at TredwayL@iel.org.

Learning Exchanges: Learning exchanges integrate content, context, pedagogy and action to reclaim education and sustain our democracy. Learning Exchanges catalyze individuals and teams to re-imagine how schools and communities can fully engage collective power for the benefit of children, youth, and families by reclaiming the purposes of education as academic, social-emotional, and civic; uniting the power of place and wisdom of local people; redefining professional learning as a hopeful process that engages the heart, mind, & spirit; and taking actions to eliminate inequity and injustice in schools and communities.

Retooling Leadership Learning and Evaluation: School principals rank second only to teachers in affecting student learning outcomes. The professional development of principals should match the same expectations of classrooms: increased rigor and interaction among peers for more effective learning. Yet, principals report that professional learning (often compliance based and information heavy) is ineffective, contributes to their sense of ineffectiveness and that evaluation processes are pro forma, providing limited feedback for improving practice. Multiple metrics for evaluation should go hand-in-hand with rigorous professional learning that supports principals to select goals, collect and analyze evidence, and use that evidence iteratively to improve their practice. Effective professional learning for school leaders should include activities with effective pedagogy, coaching that supports site level work, and inquiry groups that promote peer consultation. Growth and development in these arenas is a critical factor in effective evaluation systems.

Professional Learning: Despite concentrated efforts over the last 20 years to reform education, take promising practices to scale and improve educational outcomes, our education system often falls short when it comes to providing school and district leaders with the leadership development and ongoing professional learning support they need. As educators and community builders working to improve outcomes for children, youth and families, professional learning should be something we do every day as we reflect on our professional practice, work together, and share ideas. Improving professional development systems while maximizing informal learning opportunities is central to ongoing and durable learning. IEL works with schools, districts, cross-sector leadership collaboratives and community teams, providing planning and implementation support, facilitation and coaching. IEL is committed to improving professional learning systems based on each local context – we customize all professional learning activities and through a process of co-planning with each of our client-partners.

Featured Resources


Effective schools imbue adult professional learning with strategies that mirror and direct engaged classroom pedagogy. Learning Exchange protocols help to create the necessary conditions that foster deep and durable change. The protocols have different uses and iterations and we invite you to use and revise.

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Evaluation Rubrics

This Rubric informs effective leadership preparation, induction, ongoing support, coaching, and supervision of school and district leaders.

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