Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP)TM
RAMP is a high-tech, career-focused mentoring program for youth involved with or at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system, including those with disabilities. The RAMP model uses a combination of group, peer, and individualized mentoring to promote the successful transition of all youth.
Right Turn Career-Focused Youth Transition Initiative
The Right Turn Career-Focused Transition Initiative serves youth involved in, or at risk of becoming involved in the juvenile justice system, providing individualized education, training, mentoring, and workforce development opportunities. Right Turn operates nationally in five community sites.
High School/High Tech
High School/High Tech is a national network of state and locally operated programs designed to provide young people with all types of disabilities the opportunity to explore science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers and postsecondary education pathways.