A diverse group of community members stand together in support of community schools.

Webinar to Connect Community Schools & Community Organizing

On February 12 at 3:00pm EST, IEL’s Coalition for Community Schools and the Anneberg Institute for School Reform will host a free webinar entitled “Community Schools and Community Organizing.”

On February 12 at 3:00pm EST, IEL’s Coalition for Community Schools and the Anneberg Institute for School Reform will host a free webinar entitled “Community Schools and Community Organizing.”

Participants will learn about organizing campaigns in New York City and across the country that are shaping the expansion of community schools. Presenters include New York City organizers and parent leaders who were at the forefront of driving efforts that led to the city’s recent commitment to create 128 new community schools.   Presenters will talk about the coalitions that were formed, the impact they had on the current mayor’s education agenda, and the follow-up efforts to ensure successful implementation.

The Coalition for Educational Justice (CEJ), a key organizing force behind the city’s push for more community schools, and its allies recently released a community schools policy to help ensure quality and sustainability of the city’s community schools.  In particular, they emphasize the need for rigorous, well-rounded academics; comprehensive social, emotional, and health supports; positive discipline practices; and transformative parent and community engagement.

Featured presenters include Claudette Agard and Natasha Capers of CEJ and Barbara Gross of the Annenberg Institute.

Register for the webinar.

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