Monday, October 24, 2016, start time: 8:00am
Tuesday, October 25, 2016, end time: 3:00pm
Day 1: Special joint convening of the District Leaders Network on Family and Community Engagement and the Family Engagement State Leaders Network, hosted by our federal partners at the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services. The agenda features:
Federal Policy Panel: What States and Districts Should Know
Libby Doggett, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Early Learning, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education
Linda K. Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
State and District Leaders Reflect on Field-building Successes and Challenges
Elaine Zimmerman, Executive Director, Connecticut Commission on Children
Reyna Hernandez, Assistant Superintendent, Illinois State Board of Education
Molly Sehring, Director of Family and Community Partnerships, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Networking Discussions
What are the entry points for stakeholder engagement- at the state and district level- around particular pieces of federal ESSA guidance
How can federal partners, states and districts support each other to further early childhood and K-12 education alignment through family and community engagement
Debrief and Next Steps
District Leaders Learning Lab Opens with a dinner program and meeting at Busboys & Poets.
Day 2: Facilitated by D.C. Public Schools’ Office of Family and Public Engagement, the learning lab features an in-depth look at DC’s FCE policies and structures, site visits to schools effectively implementing FCE, a meeting with executive staff, and networking and discussions among district leaders in attendance.
$395 per person (includes 2 nights stay at the Hyatt Place- Capitol Hill, all meals, and transportation during meeting).
Please contact mccanns@iel.org if you do not require accommodation.
Please note: Learning Lab fee does NOT include transportation to and from airport.
If cost is a barrier to attendance please contact mccanns@iel.org.
Payment- Deadline is October 1st
Checks can made payable to the Institute for Educational Leadership and sent to:
Institute for Educational Leadership
ATTN: Sarah McCann
4301 Connecticut Ave NW
Suite 100
Washington DC 20008
3 members from each district are invited to attend.