Royal D was enrolled in another program that he was court mandated to attend due to being arrested. Royal was dually enrolled in RAMP and completed the other program to get off the Electronic Monitoring service. He was in the process of turning 18 and becoming a new father when he was in the program. Meanwhile, Royal was interested in exploring potential career opportunities and guidance in a new industry. He participated in several sessions to explore career opportunities in a new initiative, with the idea of best supporting his upcoming new family. He was referred to a potential older youth mentor based on his interests and took on multiple leadership roles while engaged in programmin. Royal looked up to his mentor and really valued his mentor’s insight and experiences. During Royal’s time in RAMP, he turned 18 and obtained a job through Manufacturing Renaissance at a warehouse, making $20 hourly. Royal was also able to build long-lasting relationships with staff and mentors. Royal said this to his mentor and the RAMP coordinator: “I am thankful to RAMP for allowing me to grow and have a second chance after I made a mistake. I am a new father, and I now have the tools to work and make better decisions for the growth and well-being of my child.”