Report Cover: 2014 National Study of Employers: Including the Talents of Employees with Disabilities by Kenneth Matos (with logos from Families and Work Institute, Society of Human Resource Management, and When Work Works)

Employers Attuned to Disability Needs, Need Work on Hiring

A new report finds that U.S. employers are attuned to the needs of employees with disabilities when it comes to readjusting tasks when needed but largely lack concerted efforts to attract and hire these employees.

The Families and Work Institute has released a new report entitled 2014 National Study of Employers: Including the Talents of Employees with Disabilities. The report finds that employers in the United States are attuned to the needs of employees with disabilities when it comes to readjusting tasks when needed but largely lack concerted efforts to attract and hire these employees.

While many conversations about employing people with disabilities focus on the physical changes needed to provide access to workplaces (e.g., ramps, elevators, specialized workspaces), procedural adjustments, such as greater workplace flexibility, are also useful tools for creating an environment where employees with disabilities can succeed.

The report also found that two human resource management techniques that could contribute to better applying the talents of all employees—including those with disabilities—were uncommon.

Read the full report.

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