Mia Perry

A young woman in business attire prepares to start an internship.

WIOA Transition Spells Change for Youth Workforce System

The U.S. Department of Labor recently released guidance for states, local areas, and youth service providers for implementing the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA is replacing the Workforce Investment Act as the policy backbone of our workforce system. One of WIOA’s most significant shifts for young people is a markedly increased focus

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Photo of the U.S. Capitol building

ESEA Reauthorization a Tough Sell in This Congress

Many people agree that the current federal education law No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is broken, but Congress is having trouble agreeing on how to fix it. These next few months are seen as the crucial window for updating this troubled law during President Obama’s tenure. IEL and its Coalition for Community Schools are working

ESEA Reauthorization a Tough Sell in This Congress Read More »

A group of teachers from Menlo Park Elementary School pose with Dispelling the Myth Award

School Sets Example for Success with Community Collaboration

Every day, teachers—especially those in our poorest communities—are asked to address their students’ multiple out-of-school needs, including healthcare, social support, housing, and nutrition, while still achieving high academic success. Thankfully, many teachers no longer need to stand alone. IEL’s Coalition for Community Schools recently sat down with Menlo Park Elementary School Principal Kellie Burkhardt and

School Sets Example for Success with Community Collaboration Read More »

Three women working collaboratively during a leadership exchange event.

Leadership Institute: Breathe Joy & Justice in School & Community Leadership

IEL and East Carolina University are launching an annual summer Leadership Learning Exchange. The first Learning Exchange, Breathe Joy and Justice into School and Community Leadership, will be in Greenville, N. Car. from July 19-23. Using diverse learning platforms and rich leadership support approaches, the event will provide an intense professional learning experience for teams

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