Screen capture of Senator Tom Harkin celebrating the 26th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Americans with Disabilities Act Celebrates 26 Years

Today, we celebrate the 26th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In the past 26 years, America has taken many steps forward in transforming the experiences of people with disabilities.

Today, we celebrate the 26th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

In the past 26 years, America has taken many steps forward in transforming the experiences of people with disabilities. While the ADA’s enactment sent a message that the United States would no longer accept second-class citizenship for Americans with disabilities, there continues to be room for growth.

This annual commemoration is important to many people, particulary Senator Tom Harkin (retired), who was the chief sponsor of the bill and led the Senate effort to passage in 1990.

While we plan and work for a future of many more achievements, it is important to celebrate our past successes,” says Harkin. “As you celebrate the 26th anniversary of the passage of the ADA, please consider sharing this video… In it, I share my pride for the work initiated by the Americans with Disabilities Act that you and your organization have helped sustain.”


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