October Policy Update

October 2022 IEL Federal Policy Update 

Policy by the People Agenda 

Summary of federal policy action this past month and a look-ahead to the next few weeks/month 

  1. White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health: On September 28th, the Biden-Harris Administration hosted the first White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in over 50 years. In conjunction with the conference, the White House announced a package of new actions it will take in partnership with industry, philanthropic, and academic leaders to address hunger and reduce diet-related disease by 2030. The package includes five pillars: improve food access and affordability; integrated nutrition and health; empower consumers to make and have access to healthy choices; support physical activity for all; and enhance nutrition and food security research. 
  1. Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: On October 3rd, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) opened the application for two grant programs totaling $280 million as part of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. The School-Based Mental Health Services Grant Program is a competitive grant program for state and local educational agencies to increase the number of mental health service providers delivering in-school services. The ED anticipates issuing 150 grants with an average award of $1.75 million over five years. The Mental Health Services Professional Demonstration Grant Program is a competitive grant program for local educational agencies to increase the supply of mental health professionals in schools. The ED anticipates issuing 250 awards with an average award of $800,00 over five years. 
  1. Update on FY 2023 Appropriations: On September 30th, President Biden signed a continuing resolution bill (CR) to continue to fund the government at the current spending levels until December 16th. Congress will use this time to agree upon a budget for FY23. 
Policy-related events and resources of interest, including federal funding opportunities 


Funding Opportunities 

IEL Policy Highlights 

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