The Children’s Cabinet-Reno, NV

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The Children’s Cabinet has a 30-year history of serving children and families in northern Nevada. The public-private partnerships between The Cabinet and Washoe County School District, Social Services and Juvenile Services have resulted in the development of numerous programs for Washoe County youth throughout the Cabinet’s history. Specifically in the areas of youth, The Cabinet works with at-risk youth in many capacities including tutoring, on-site alternative high school, counseling, work experience programs, programs for gang involvement and substance abuse, transitional support for foster youth and outreach services to homeless and runaway youth.

These programs have required extensive training of their case management staff as well as significant collaboration with organizations in their community. With regards to youth workforce development, The Children’s Cabinet has worked with the local workforce investment board, NevadaWorks, as well as the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR). The Cabinet has been employing and training both in-school and out-of-school youth for nearly 10 years through these collaborative partnerships. Their direct experience with DOL YouthBuild and Face Forward programs provide a strong foundation for the implementation of Right Turn.

The Cabinet has worked closely with their juvenile justice systems throughout their 30-year history in northern Nevada. The Children’s Cabinet was key in developing a juvenile detention alternative with Washoe County Juvenile Services (WCJS). They run many programs with WCJS, have service agreements and MOU’s in place, and have an excellent working relationship with the department. The Director of WCJS is an active member of The Cabinet’s Board of Directors, which provides ease of decision-making, program implementation, support and referrals between The Cabinet and WCJS. The Children’s Cabinet Executive Director, Michael Pomi, is a former Director of WCJS, his familiarity with WCJS policies and procedures, as well as the relationships he has developed, lend itself nicely to The Cabinet-WCJS relationship.


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