A protestor in Charlottesville holds up a sign with a Martin Luther King Quote: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

IEL Condemns White Supremacists, Violence in Charlottesville

IEL stands up for the causes of those in high-potential communities who fight to provide opportunity in the face of poverty, trauma, and inequity. We strongly condemn the racist ideology displayed in Charlottesville and find the hateful actions of white supremacists egregious and unacceptable. To the families, communities, youth, and educational leaders we support, we remain committed to generating a force of young leaders who will oppose hate and division. As our country begins the healing process here are some tools to help begin the conversation on educating our youth about racism. READ MORE…

A protestor in Charlottesville holds up a sign with a Martin Luther King Quote: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

IEL Condemns White Supremacists, Violence in Charlottesville

The terrible occurrence of violence in Charlottesville, Va. is a painful reminder that hate, racism, and xenophobia still exist. IEL would like to express how deeply saddened we are for those hurt and killed working for social justice.

IEL stands up for the causes of those in underserved communities who fight to provide opportunity in the face of poverty, trauma, and inequity. We strongly condemn the racist ideology displayed in Charlottesville and find the hateful actions of white supremacists egregious and unacceptable.

The leaders we support across our programs demonstrate a different narrative of America every day. They use love, compassion, and various skills to unite people in their communities from all backgrounds to help young people succeed. This is the America we believe in, and we are helping to support through our amazing leaders of all ages, color, ability, gender, and creed.

Our vision is rooted in using all of our resources effectively to provide an equal opportunity for all children and youth to learn, develop, and become contributing citizens of our democracy.  We stand for equity and inclusion. We stand for a world that believes there’s room for all people in America, irrespective of their background and circumstances.

We link arms with our local leaders across the country from Baltimore to Tulsa and Tucson to Buffalo, to promote values of love, respect, dignity, and a shared sense of responsibility and community. To the families, communities, youth, and educational leaders we support, we remain committed to generating a force of young leaders who will oppose hate and division.

As our country begins the healing process here are some tools to help begin the conversation on educating our youth about racism. Let us not shy away from this necessary dialogue but engage in it with love and determination to create the America our young people and families deserve.


Johan E. Uvin
Institute for Educational Leadership


Photo credit: getfree_360, some rights reserved under Creative Commons.

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