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Rise Up for Equity with IEL in 2019

In tandem with our new strategic plan, IEL recently launched the Rise Up for Equity campaign to support leadership development, workforce development, disability rights, and communities of practice, through both national and community based initiatives across the country. There are numerous opportunities to support IEL in boldly mobilizing leaders for impact – visit our website.  For more information on how you can Rise Up for Equity in 2019 view our campaign plan Jan 7 – 25:

– Daily social media blurbs in English and Spanish, through IEL’s social media accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
– National outreach: weekly email blasts to IEL partners and inserts in IEL’s newsletters scheduled within this timeframe
– Local engagement: grassroots outreach to local partners and organizations to communicate the Strategic Plan (week of Jan 21)
– Media engagement: Public Service Announcements and national media engagement by recruiting multicultural and mass media to report on the Strategic Plan, and an invitation for local press to attend Media Day (1/25), a one-on-one Q&A with the press and a panel discussion on innovation in education and workforce development. And we’d love to see you there! Reach out to LJ Wilson for more information about Media Day

As we prepare to Rise Up for Equity, we leave you with the words of our President and CEO, Johan Uvin, which sum up our unapologetic stance to achieve equity for all youths, especially those with disabilities, and for our underserved communities:
“To us, equity is about creating more success opportunities for education and workforce development, particularly in communities where that opportunity is lacking or super limited.”

Follow us, on Twitter and Facebook and chime in on social starting on January 7:

For more information on IEL’s Rise Up for Equity, or to join us, reach out to Latraniecesa Wilson, Communications Coordinator, Coalition for Community Schools and IEL,

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