Santos Amaya Guevara speaks at a podium microphone.

Samuel Halperin Youth Public Service Award Winner Announced

The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) and the Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) are pleased to announce that Santos Amaya Guevara has been named this year’s Halperin Youth Award winner. Santos will be recognized for her commitment to public service during the annual Halperin Lecture and Youth Award event on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. She will share her winning essay in a plenary at the Washington Policy Seminar, the capstone convening of IEL’s Education Policy Fellowship Program.

The youngest of seven siblings, Santos came from El Salvador to the United States five years ago. In 2013, she became involved in a leadership program advocating for the rights of immigrants at the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN). It was through her involvement with CARECEN that Santos realized her dream of becoming an immigration lawyer. In 2014, Santos joined the Latin American Youth Center leadership program. The program has helped Santos find her own voice as well as become an advocate for youth whose voices are not being heard. In the Fall Santos will begin attending college.

She credits her mentors with helping her become civically involved and as she moves forward intends to continue fighting alongside youth to create inclusive communities where all voices are heard and valued.

Learn more about this year’s winner with this AYPF video.

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