The White House

Implications of Proposed FY18 Budget

President Trump’s proposed budget for FY 2018 eliminates or severely cuts many programs that support youth, families, and communities.

President Trump’s proposed budget for FY 2018 eliminates or severely cuts many programs that support youth, families, and communities. 

The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) work for youth, families, and communities is supported by funding from a range of federal agencies, including the U.S. Departments of Education, Justice, and Labor. Among the programs at-risk that support the youth, families, and communities we work with are:

  • The 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, which at $1.1 billion provides core funding for afterschool programs and community schools;
  • The Youth Mentoring Program in the Department of Justice ($90 million) that funds IEL’s Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program.
  • Corporation for National Service that funds Americorps programs, a majority of which are located in schools ($1 billion);
  • The Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) program in the Department of Labor ($80 million) that funds IEL’s Right Turn Career-Focused Transition Initiative;
  • Repurposes the Office of Disability Employment policy funding  including eliminating its youth technical assistance centers;
  • Decreases federal support for job training and employment service formula grants for youth and adults;
  • Statewide Family Engagement Centers, authorized at $10 million in ESSA;
  • The Full-Service Community Schools program ($10 million) in the Department of Education that funds grants for community schools; and
  • The proposed 18% decrease to the Department of Health and Human Services excludes funding for insurance provided by Medicare and Medicaid.

Taken together, the proposed program cuts would be devastating for the youth, families, and communities that IEL supports. Millions of young people and families would be impacted by these cuts.

Here are a couple of ways that you can have your voice heard:

  1. Call or visit your Senators and Congresspersons and urge them not to cut these programs;
  2. Join with other advocates for youth and families in your community and state

Thank you in advance for supporting  youth and families in your community. Learn more.

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