A group of AERA/IEL policy luncheon participants listen to the keynote speaker.

Leading Experts to Discuss Preparing, Supporting Principals

On October 30, the American Educational Research Association and IEL are hosting an educational policy luncheon featuring Brenda J. Turnbull and Lynda Tredway in a session on preparing and supporting school principals.

On October 30, the American Educational Research Association and IEL are hosting an educational policy luncheon featuring Brenda J. Turnbull, researcher at Policy Studies Associates, Inc., as the main speaker and IEL’s Lynda Tredway as a discussant. This session will focus on key components that strengthen districts’ school leadership pipelines, particularly how we strengthen our pipelines for preparing and supporting school principals and how we build districts’ capacity to advance their priorities through school leadership.

Turnbull has studied school improvement since the 1970s. She directs a study of the implementation and effects of the Principal Pipeline Initiative in large urban school districts with support from The Wallace Foundation. She was recently co-principal investigator for the national evaluation of the Comprehensive Centers, which provide technical assistance to states in implementing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. She also led evaluations on topics ranging from scientific collaboration in the National Science Foundation’s Science of Learning Centers to public engagement in education for the Public Education Network. She has studied a variety of approaches to school improvement. Turnbull received her Ed.D. in Social Policy Analysis from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Tredway is senior associate for IEL’s Leaders for Today and Tomorrow Project, a catalyst for engaging institutions of higher education, school districts, and nonprofits in uncovering and coordinating efforts in social justice preparation, particularly to support of urban and rural leaders in the most vulnerable schools. Prior to her role at IEL, she was the founding coordinator of the Principal Leadership Institute (PLI) at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education. Her recent publications include “Actions Matter: How School Leaders Enact Equity Principles” in the Handbook of Urban School Leadership, co-authored with Jessica Rigby, and Leading form the Inside Out: Expanded Roles of Teachers in Equitable Schools, co-authored with W. Norton Grubb.

The policy forum will occur at the Institute for Educational Leadership offices at 4301 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20008 on Friday, October 30 from 12:00 – 2:00 pm EDT. The suite is located right at the Van Ness-UDC Metro stop on the Red Line. Parking is available in the building’s underground garage (entrance on Veazey Terrace NW) for a fee.

RSVPs are required and may be made online by no later than October 27. Limited available seating is assigned according to the order in which reservations are received. Thirteen dollars for the subsidized lunch will be collected at the door (cash or check only).

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