A plenary session from the AERA Annual Meeting 2014

3 IEL Staff Featured at AERA Annual Meeting

Three IEL staff are featured at the American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Ill.

Three IEL staff are featured at the upcoming American Educational Research Association (AERA in Chicago, Ill.

RHeadshot: Reuben Jacobson, Senior Associate for Research & Strategy, Coalition for Community Schools, Institute for Educational Leadershipeuben Jacobson, senio associate for research and strategy for IEL’s, will chair a symposium on April 19 on “.” He also co-authored a paper entitled Leadership Implications for School-Community Partnerships, which will be part of a paper session on “” on April 17.

Headshot: Helen Janc Malone, Director of Institutional Advancement and National Director, Education Policy Fellowship Program, Institute for Educational LeadeshipHelen Janc Malone, IEL’s director of institutional advancement andnational director of IEL’s, will chair a session on April 16. The session features Professors Dale Blyth (University of Minnesota), Gil Noam (Harvard University), and Deborah Vandell (University of California, Irvine). Malone is the current chair of the AERA Out-of-School Time Special Interest Group (SIG) and an incoming chair of the Educational Change SIG.

Headshot: Lynda Tredway, Senior Associate, Leaders for Today and Tomorrow, Institute for Educational LeadershipLynda Tredway, a senior associate working on IEL’s Leaders for Today and Tomorrow initiative, will co-lead an April 19 professional development course entitled “.” This day-long workshop will include content from IEL’s new guide, authored by Tredway and the session’s co-facilitator, Gretchen Givens Generette of Dusquesne University’s Center for Educational Leadership and Social Justice.

AERA describes its annual meeting as “the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research. It is a showcase for ground-breaking, innovative studies in a diverse array of areas—from early education through higher education, from digital learning to second language literacy.” AERA expects more than 14,000 attendees this year.

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