Screenshot of author and education policy Christopher Cross during a by PBS NewsHour interview.

Prominent Author to Speak on Education Policy History & Direction

On March 13, the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and IEL are hosting an educational policy luncheon featuring Christopher Cross, author of the acclaimed book Political Education: Setting the Course for State and Federal Policy, Second Edition. Cross draws on his own experience in Washington, along with research and interviews, to present a history of federal education policy, from World War II to the Obama administration. The book highlights key players who helped shape federal policy. His book documents how federal policy has been a constant influence on what states and local districts do, especially with respect to students most at risk.

Cross is chairman of the education policy consulting firm Cross & Joftus. Cross also serves as a consultant to the Broad Foundation. Previously, he was a senior fellow with the Center for Education Policy and a distinguished senior fellow with the Education Commission of the States.  From 1994 to 2002, Cross was president and chief executive officer of the Council for Basic Education. He served as director of the education initiative of The Business Roundtable and as assistant secretary for educational research and improvement in the U.S. Department of Education.  He chaired the National Assessment of Title I Independent Review Panel on Evaluation for the U.S. Department of Education from 1995 to 2001 and the National Research Council Panel on Minority Representation in Special Education from 1997 to 2002. Cross has written extensively on education and other public policy areas and has been published in numerous professional journals and newspapers, including Education Week, College Board Review, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times

AERA and IEL will hold the luncheon from noon to 2:00 pm EST on Friday, March13 in at the Charles Sumner School at 1201 17th Street, Washington, DC 20036.

Reservations are required and can be made by emailing AERA’s Christy Talbot at Limited available seating is assigned according to the order in which reservations are received. Thirteen dollars for the subsidized lunch will be collected at the door.

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