Download the 2021 YSP/KSA brochure here
WHAT are the YSPs/KSAs?
The Youth Service Professionals, Knowledge Skills and Abilities (YSPKSA) is a set of nine training modules adapted to a youth serving field.
The training delivers a varied set of opportunities, supports, and services to a diverse population of young people. The Youth Service Professionals’ Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (YSP/KSAs) capture the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by Youth Service Professionals. The YSP/KSAs include nine six-hour training modules; a set of overarching skills that ensure the safety and inclusion of all youth are woven throughout the modules.
WHO are Youth Service Professionals?
Youth Service Professionals (YSP) are adults who work directly with young people, ages 14 – 25, to reach youth development outcomes. YSPs support young people’s transition to continuing education, employment, and independent living opportunities.
Examples of YSP’s:
- Youth Development Workers
- Youth Direct Care Workers
- Youth Specialist
- Support Coordinators
- Case Managers
- Career Navigators
- Mentors & Tutors
- Educators/Special Educators
- Social Workers
- Foster Care Parents
- Justice-Involved Officers
WHY Professional Development on Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities?
“It [youth development] helps to understand the barriers and limitations they have to employment. Also, if we understand them better, we can help the employer better understand their needs.”
–Former YSP-KSA Module 1 Training Participant
“I feel empowered to help more students, assist my community partner, and to sell myself better as a resource.”
–Former YSP-KSA Module 6 Training Participant
YSPs/KSAs Module Topics
- Advancing the Youth Service Field. Youth development principles, youth laws, ethics, confidentiality, and boundaries
- Communicating Effectively with Youth. Trusting relationships, cultural competence, diversity, and social media
- Assessment & Individualized Planning. Formal and informal assessments, youth goal setting, planning, and informed choice
- Strengthening Relationships with Family and Community. Engaging families in youth transition, diverse families, and community resources
- Career Exploration & Planning. Career interest assessment & exploration, career coaching, and work-based learning
- Securing Resources and Connecting Across Systems. Blending & braiding funds, cross-system collaboration, and maximizing services
- Relationships with Businesses. Engaging employers, supporting employer needs, and developing partnerships
- Quality Services Implementation. Effective program design, youth leadership and data-driven management
- Preparing Youth for the Workforce. Employability, self-advocacy, job searches, retention, and customized employment
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